Bed Bugs
Central Exterminating Company offers traditional bed bug treatments that utilize liquid and dust pesticide formulations specifically developed for effective bed bug control for clients affected by the national infestation. Central technicians will provide detailed guidance on how to prepare your home before the actual treatment to maximize the program’s effectiveness.
Central Exterminating Company also offers its Premier Bed Bug Treatment Service utilizing the TempAir Thermal Remediation® System—a heat treating system that typically eliminates the need for pesticide sprays for a chemical-free solution to bed bug elimination. We are an officially licensed Thermal Remediation® bed bug heat treatment service provider.
The Tempair system uses a self-contained diesel-powered electrical system, operating portable 460-volt heaters placed inside the structure being treated.
Treatment Process
- Our technicians will provide you with a Central Preparation Sheet, which outlines any steps occupants should take prior to the treatment, including any items that may need to be removed from the space.
- The heaters placed in the area being treated, gradually raise the interior room and furnishings to controlled temperatures held between 120-130 degrees.
- Our technicians continually re-enter the rooms to adjust fans and change air movement to ensure all interior items reach the target temperatures during this process.
- All adult bed bugs, their developmental stages, and eggs die at sustained temperatures of about 118 degrees.
- A normal treatment is completed within an 8-hour service period, and re-entering the treated area is possible on the same day.
Learn more about bed bugs in our pest database.
Contact us today for more information!